Thursday, 3 March 2016

Week 3: Logo and Resume Template

Homework: Pretend that you are a media "brand" and follow the steps 1-3 in the LogoTournament "Create a Logo Design Contest" set-up sheet ( Write down all of your responses on your blog (you can take screen shots if you like or otherwise document your answers to the questions posed by LogoTournament). DO NOT set up a Logo Contest (so stop after completeing step 3). Based on your results create a logo that suits your style and professional objectives for upload on your blog. Once you have created your logo - make a Template for a CV (using the 'Designing a Resume - with Steve Harris' resource below) and place a jpg image of your template (one page) on your blog.

Organization or business name:
Jason N

By design

Please describe what your organization or business does in one sentence:
General graphic design


Target Audience:
  •  Adolescent to adults
  • Age 14 – 30
  •  Male and female
  •  Graphic design industry
  • Middle class and above
  • Mix of flamboyance and professional
Purpose (What top three things should the logo communicate?):
Professionalism, skilled and creative.


  • Wordmark (Google, Coke, Disney)
  • Abstract Mark (Olympics rings)
  • Character (Starbucks, Pringles)

Style Sliders:

Blue, white, black, grey, orange and yellow. As long as one of these colours is in the logo, they don’t all have to be used.

The logo I have created is somewhat fitting for myself, as I prefer it to be clean and simple. I decided not to include the slogan as it was awkward when placed next to the design. The colour orange could be altered, however I feel that orange is fresh at the moment and I have decided to use that colour. I feel the logo does communicate what I have written in the Logo Tournament in terms of professionalism, skilled, and creative. The use of clean shapes translates into professionalism, the skill comes from how it is put together with enough white space and creativity comes from the combining of letters.

The resume template could use improvement in terms originality as the template is still similar to the one on Lynda. Although the use of colour is appealing and the typefaces used are clean and easy legible. Overall it is simple and the contrasting between the orange and the light blue highlights the key aspects of the template. 

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